Abilita Assessments course (A01)
For current Licensee
Abilita Assessments course (A01)
Training course to use Abilita Assessments. Explains the Abilita BPS approach, all assessment types, the Abilita assessment reports, and demonstrates use of the assessment website, ABnet. An Abilita license is required to utilise the Abilita...
Abilita Pain Coach (C01)
Coaching course
Abilita Pain Coach (C01)
For health and rehabilitation practitioners to assist clients develop self-care skills to reduce pain. The Abilita Program has been doing this successfully for many years. 'Abilita Pain Coach' is a new condensed version; the 7 core topics, plus...
Abilita Comprehensive Coaching (C02)
Coaching course
Abilita Comprehensive Coaching (C02)
This course teaches delivery of Abilita Coaching. Pre-requisite is completion of Abilita Assessments course Contents: coaching processes, 16 coaching topics to support people with physical or mental health injury or illness to build their...
7 Reasons to use Abilita (D01)
Information Course
7 Reasons to use Abilita (D01)
Interested to know if Abilita may be useful to you? View this FREE 6 minute video to find out.
Implementing Structured Biopsychosocial (D02)
Information Course
Implementing Structured Biopsychosocial (D02)
This 15 minute, FREE course covers the WHY, WHAT and HOW of implementing a structured BPS approach into an Injury Management or Rehabilitation process.
Case Management with Abilita Triage (D03)
Case Manager course
Case Management with Abilita Triage (D03)
This course is for any Claims Assessor, Case Manager or RTW Coordinator, who wishes to use the Abilita triage tools. The triage tools are accessible under an Abilita License; please contact us if this is not already arranged. This course does not...
Managing Systemised Biopsychosocial
Injury Management
Managing Systemised Biopsychosocial
This 4-module program, for Managers within Injury Management, provides the evidence and core components for implementation and management of a structured Biopsychosocial framework within a compensable injury system. This will be valuable to...

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